
Alternate Path To Energy Star for "Non-Traditional" Buildings

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: Most Common Facility Types Under Energy StarPt. 3: How To Avoid Common Energy Star ErrorsPt. 4: How Will The 2013 Portfolio Manager Update Affect Current Ratings

Many but not all commercial facility types can use Portfolio Manager to earn the Energy Star. Is there an alternate path to earning the Energy Star for these property types (for example: convention centers)?

The good news is that every building, no matter the type, can use Energy Star's Portfolio Manager to measure and track its energy use. In fact, of the approximately 300,000 buildings using Portfolio Manager, nearly 130,000 are unable to earn the Energy Star. Portfolio Manager is more than a means to earn the Energy Star. Users can track energy and water use over time, run reports, share with others, compare energy performance to the national average, learn about their green house gas emissions, and exchange data with their utility provider at no cost. One of the great benefits of tracking and benchmarking energy use in Portfolio Manager, regardless of the building type, is that you get a portfolio-wide snapshot of the performance of your buildings. 

Any building is eligible to enter EPA's annual National Building Competition, which recognizes buildings that compete to reduce their energy use over a one-year period, as measured through Portfolio Manager. Last year’s winner cut its energy use by 63 percent, and more than 3,200 buildings are competing this year. Whether an organization’s buildings can earn the Energy Star certification or not, Energy Star Partner of the Year awards are available to any organization that demonstrate a superior commitment to energy efficiency throughout all their operations.

Answers by Mike Zatz, Chief of the Market Sectors Group for Energy Star Commercial and Industrial Branch

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Alternate Path To Energy Star for "Non-Traditional" Buildings

Most Common Facility Types Under Energy Star

How To Avoid Common Energy Star Errors

How Will The 2013 Portfolio Manager Update Affect Current Ratings

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  posted on 11/5/2012   Article Use Policy

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