
Threats Against Schools Highlight Security Concerns

  December 1, 2017

By Ryan Berlin

Children's safety while at school, it's on every parent's mind. But there has been a recent spike in school threats across the country and schools aren't taking any chances.

Bomb threats at U.S. schools have doubled in one year. And there have been over 200 school shooting incidents since 2012, according to a story on the Valley News. So what have schools in our area done to step up security?

Click here to read about how full scale active shooter drills can help prepare for the worst.

“Access to school buildings is really important so we try to monitor every single individual that enters into the school building. We have a check-in system in our office and we have security cameras on our doors that help us monitor who comes in the school building," says Morgan Forness, Central Cass High School superintendent.

And that's not all. Forness says they take a proactive approach by educating students on all safety protocols. A new building project is underway at Central Cass High School. Safety is the leading component behind the renovations.

Click here to read about securing campuses.

“We will be having outside guests enter directly into the office, that'll be part of our new design,” Forness says. “They will come through the office first and foremost and then go to the places in the school that they have business going to.”

Even with new designs, schools can still see threats.

Read more about about security within facilities by clicking here.

This Quick Read was submitted by Ryan Berlin, managing editor of Facility Maintenance Decisions, ryan.berlin@tradepressmedia.com.


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