
How to Keep Up with Emergency Preparedness

The city of Charlottesville, Virginia, rethinks staffing, risk assessment and the role of facilities in preparing facilities for the worst.   May 17, 2023

By Dan Hounsell, Senior Editor 

Emergency preparedness has never been more challenging for facilities managers. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and wildfires have become more frequent and destructive in the last decade, and crises such as power outages and active shooters also are more frequent. For all institutional and commercial facilities, emergency preparedness has quickly risen up the priority list. 

For Mark Zavikar, facilities maintenance manager with the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, the challenges of emergency preparedness range from rethinking the role of facilities staff in preparing for and responding to emergencies to identifying possible threats to facilities and occupants. 

What you’ll learn from this video: 

Understanding roles in emergency preparedness (1:07) 

Challenges in preparing facilities and departments for emergencies (2:10) 

Keeping emergency preparedness plans updated (3:00) 

The impact of staffing on emergency preparedness (4:32) 

What to watch next: 

Facility Resilience: Challenges and Success Stories 

Maintaining Schools During Extreme Weather Events 

Dan Hounsell is senior editor of the facilities market. He has more than 25 years of experience writing about facilities maintenance, engineering and management. 


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