
Heroes of the pandemic

Postal Service FMs Keep on Keeping on During Pandemic

Neither rain nor pandemic could keep the United States Postal Service facilities from supporting the organization's critical mission as home deliveries increased dramatically.

By Naomi Millán, Senior Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Racing the Surge: Healthcare Organization Ramped Up Pandemic Preparedness Pt. 2: School District Juggles Construction Projects During the PandemicPt. 3: How FMs Helped Make McCormick Place Chicago's Alternate Care Site Pt. 4: Healthcare FMs Challenged with Unified Response for Facilities NationwidePt. 5: This Page

As the pandemic response rolled across the country, the importance of being able to get critical and everyday supplies to homes via delivery increased dramatically. In order to address the situation of keeping their 600,000 employees safe in more than 31,000 retail post offices while serving the public, as well as in non-public mail processing facilities, the United States Postal Service created a leadership team focused on employee and customer safety, as well as operational and business continuity. 

Following CDC and EPA guidance, USPS undertook measures such as increasing the amount of outside air coming into postal facilities, expanding their national sourcing of supplies and services to overcome supply shortages, and developing a computer compliance tool to track the additional cleaning as well as ensure that there is enough staff on hand at all times to properly clean and disinfect the facilities.

Post OfficeAt 31,000 retail post offices, the United States Postal Service took steps to protect patrons and staff.

What does the COVID-19 response look like from where you’re sitting? Send an email sharing best practices, surprising pivots, or just observations to naomi.millan@tradepress.com. General comments and questions welcome as well.

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  posted on 7/31/2020   Article Use Policy

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