
2021 Condo Collapse

Severe Strength Deficiency May Have Caused 2021 Condo Collapse

NIST is still working on what’s being called a complex investigation, but structural deficiencies in the building’s pool deck seem to be a leading cause.   June 28, 2023

By Greg Zimmerman, senior contributing editor

The Surfside Condo building in Miami Beach, Florida, that collapsed in 2021 killing 98 had “severe strength deficiency” in the construction of its pool deck, investigators recently reported. Investigators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are still looking at the potential causes of the collapse, but that construction flaw is now considered one of the most likely leading causes, according to the New York Times. The investigation, though, has been complex because there was initially no obvious cause for the collapse. 

The issue with the pool deck was that the pool deck wasn’t sufficiently supported between its columns. Also, the steel structural beams were buried deeper in the concrete than the original plans called for. Additional weight from planters and other elements may also have contributed to the insufficient support strength.  

NIST investigators are looking at the original designs of the 40-year-old building, as well as how upgrades and renovations may have contributed to structural instability. They’re also looking for potential degradation in the structure of the building. The final report isn’t expected to be completed until May 2025. 

Residents and families of the victims won a $1 billion settlement in 2022.  

Greg Zimmerman is senior contributing editor for FacilitiesNet.com and Building Operating Management magazine. 


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