
waiting room

Millennials Reshape Medical Office Buildings

  October 29, 2018

By Cathryn Jakicic

Not content with changing the look of workplaces and the way people shop, millennials now are changing medical office buildings, according to GlobeSt. Builders and building managers who are used to catering to older tenants and visitors now must consider the needs and desires of Millennials.

“The millennials are treating their healthcare needs differently,” says John Wilson, president of HSA PrimeCare, a division of HSA Commercial Real Estate. For instance, younger people are more interested in preventive healthcare and wellness, and they prioritize convenience and technology.

So more medical office buildings now include wellness and fitness centers, and many feature kiosks with interactive displays that provide information to patients as they walk in. These changes have less interest to their traditional older patients and in the case of the kiosks might even cause added stress.

As a result, many providers, use both kiosks and greeters, much like grocery stores that assign an employee to help monitor several automated checkout lanes.

Cathryn Jakicic is healthcare industries editor of FacilitiesNet.com. For more information on hospital campuses and other medical facilities, click here.


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