Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey: 2015

First of a 9-part article on salary ranges, broken down by data center size and reliability level

By Edward Sullivan, Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: More Than 10 MWPt. 3: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: 2 To 10 MWPt. 4: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: Less Than 2 MWPt. 5: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: N After Any Failure Pt. 6: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: N+1 And Concurrently MaintainablePt. 7: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: N+1Pt. 8: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: No Redundancy (N)Pt. 9: Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey 2015: Market Background

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Getting salary information about the staff responsible for the data center facility infrastructure is essential for organizations that are competing for facility staff that has experience with data centers. This Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey is based on an email survey of Building Operating Management readers and other facility professionals who indicated that they had responsibility for data center facility space. The report includes facility staff salaries for the overall market as well as for salaries broken down by different redundancy levels and data center sizes. The Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2015.

The titles covered in the Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey are:

• Facility Manager (data center facility infrastructure is primary or exclusive responsibility)

• Facility Manager (responsibilities include data center facility infrastructure, but not as the position’s primary responsibility)

• Chief Engineer (data center facility infrastructure is primary or exclusive responsibility)

• Chief Engineer (responsibilities include data center facility infrastructure, but not as the position’s primary responsibility)

• Data Center Engineer (data center facility infrastructure is primary or exclusive responsibility)

• Engineer (responsibilities include data center facility infrastructure, but not as the position’s primary responsibility)

• Data Center Technician (data center facility infrastructure is primary or exclusive responsibility)

• Technician (responsibilities include data center facility infrastructure, but not as the position’s primary responsibility)

Salaries are broken down by the following data center sizes and redundancy levels:

• More Than 10 MW

• 2 To 10 MW

• Less Than 2 MW

• N After Any Failure

• N+1 And Concurrently Maintainable

• N+1

• No Redundancy (N)

Information for the Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey was gathered during the fall of 2015 and included 480 total Yes responses to the question, "Do you have any responsibility for data center space?" Respondents were asked to indicate the low-end and high-end salaries. Low and high salary information is reported as the median amounts. (The median is a measure used to indicate a middle point of data. Half who responded earned less than the median, while half earned more. Numbers that are extremely high or low do not distort it.) “N” indicates the number of responses to individual questions.

In addition to reporting the medians, the Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey shows the minimum and maximum reported salaries for the low end of the salary range and the minimum and maximum reported salaries for the high end of the salary range.

Respondents to the Data Center Facility Staff Salary Survey come from a cross section of building types including commercial, government, medical/healthcare, educational (both K-12 schools and higher education (colleges/universities), industrial, hospitality, and retail. Ninety five percent of respondents reported that they work in the facility management department. Seventy four percent of respondents reported that the staff that manages the facility infrastructure of their data center report to the facility department. Seventy six percent of respondents reported having a centralized staff that is responsible for most or all of their data centers.


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  posted on 1/11/2016   Article Use Policy

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