
INFOGRAPHIC: Corporations Missing Opportunities To Leverage Campus Style

A survey shows plenty of opportunity for FMs to begin tailoring space to a new generation of workers.

By Brett Shwery  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: What Workplaces Can Learn From College CampusesPt. 2: 5 Steps To Apply College Lessons To Office Space Pt. 3: This Page

A survey by AECOM and KI showed that commerical office space should draw lessons from college campuses. New, young workers work and are productive in different ways than the age-old head-down, one-desk-per-worker strategy. Facility managers should begin to adjust their space to accommodate this new generation of workers, or risk losing out on the best talent. 

For complete survey results, click here.

Continue Reading: Commercial Office Space

What Workplaces Can Learn From College Campuses

5 Steps To Apply College Lessons To Office Space

INFOGRAPHIC: Corporations Missing Opportunities To Leverage Campus Style

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  posted on 8/10/2017   Article Use Policy

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