
Virtual Reality Boosts Acoustic Modeling

  August 15, 2016

By Cathryn Jakicic

Acoustic modeling combined with virtual reality allows designers to show how sound changes as users move through an as-yet-unbuilt space, according to an article on the Construction News website.

By linking a 3D graphics engine with acoustic software, technology can create a virtual world, enabling clients and the design team to walk around the building while listening to the audio signal change in real time.

Because clients can actually hear what a space will sound like before it is built, it becomes easier to understand why they might need to invest in acoustic treatments while a project is still at the design stage.

It enables architects and designers to appreciate how relatively simple changes to their design can improve the acoustics of a space, while also allowing them to walk around a 3D model of their design.

Read the article.

 Read more on the Healthcare Facilities Today website.

This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, Facilities.net




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