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Video Security Software - Bosch Security Systems Inc. - Facility Management Product Release

Video Security Software: Bosch Security Systems Inc.

Bosch Security Systems Inc.
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Bosch Security Systems’ Intelligent Video Motion Detection 2.0 uses video content analysis to reliably detect moving objects while suppressing false alarms. Its algorithm intelligently adapts to changing lighting and environmental conditions such as rain, snow and leaves blowing in the wind. The improved algorithm can detect and track objects under difficult conditions. The device offers an embedded intelligent video analysis capability that runs directly on selected Bosch video encoders and IP cameras.

The new functionality will allow cameras and encoders to detect idle and removed objects, as well as objects that remain loitering in an area.

Up to 16 detector fields - each with its own parameters - can be placed over the scene in complex patterns, even overlapping. This allows users to detect multiple object states in parallel, generating separate triggers that can be handled independently or in combinations.

Once movement has been detected, the object is outlined in yellow on the display and motion is tracked on the monitor. If an object and its motion characteristics match the conditions defined for one of the detector fields, it creates an alarm and its outlines are switched to red.


Content Category: Security



posted: 8/10/2007