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Vault Sensors - Bosch Security Systems Inc. - Facility Management Product Release

Vault Sensors: Bosch Security Systems Inc.

Bosch Security Systems Inc.
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Bosch Security Systems’s two safe and vault detectors rely on seismic sensors and micro-controller-based signal processing system for 24-hour monitoring of safes, ATMs, night deposits, and strong room walls and doors.

The detectors' digital signal processing and filters virtually eliminate false alarms. These units can detect attacks from explosives or attempted entry with tools, such as diamond-tipped drills, flame cutters, mechanical and hydraulic pressure tools, thermal lances or water jets.

They can be used on concrete, steel, or synthetic materials. The detectors' design is the smallest in their class, making them ideal for tight spaces, such as ATMs.


Content Category: Security



posted: 7/30/2007