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Rooftop Units - Lennox Industries Inc. - Facility Management Product Release

Rooftop Units: Lennox Industries Inc.

Lennox Industries Inc.
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MS 2013 Darn Good Products AwardsNew high-efficiency Energence® 20- to 30-ton rooftop units will replace L Series® 21- to 30-ton rooftop units without requiring curb or utility connection modifications. The units offer higher efficiency levels above their L Series predecessors, with up to an 8 percent improvement in Energy Efficiency Rating and a 10 percent improvement in Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio efficiency ratings. They are available in 20-ton gas/electric and electric/electric variable air volume (VAV) models, as well as 25-ton and 30-ton gas/electric and electric/electric constant air volume and VAV models.


Content Category: HVAC



posted: 8/31/2012