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Remote Monitoring - Cummins Power Generation - Facility Management Product Release

Cummins Power Generation
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The PowerCommand iWatch100 Web-based monitoring tool from Cummins Power Generation Inc. improves power system reliability by allowing operators to supervise and control generators and transfer switches from any location. Using a laptop or desktop computer, this tool provides monitoring of generator and transfer switch functions via the company’s proprietary PowerCommand network.

The remote monitoring and notification capability of the system allows technicians to diagnose and analyze problems prior to dispatching a repair crew, and provides automatic fault notification by e-mail. The system’s Web server can monitor up to two generator sets and up to four transfer switches in its standard configuration, or it can be customized to monitor up to 10 devices.

PowerCommand iWatch supports Ethernet or modem-based connections accessed over Ethernet local or wide area networks, or through local modem and telephone lines using Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher. Alarm notifications can be sent as e-mails or as pages to multiple end-users.


Content Category: Power & Communication



posted: 7/6/2007