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Fire Alarm Panel - Honeywell Building Solutions - Facility Management Product Release

Fire Alarm Panel: Honeywell Building Solutions

Honeywell Building Solutions
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The XLS3000 fire alarm control panel includes a self-diagnostic tool - the System Maintenance Analysis and Reporting Tool (SMART) - which automatically tracks the testing and inspection requirements of fire alarm devices like smoke detectors, pull stations and output relay modules. The tool was developed in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and alerts building owners and inspectors to devices that haven't been tested as required.

In addition, the XLS3000 features technology that enables devices to communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer protocol, as opposed to traditional panels that operate using relayed information. While this feature is common in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and other building systems, it's the first time a peer-to-peer architecture is available for fire systems, according to the company.

The peer-to-peer communication is designed to reduce response time for automatic door locks, strobe lights and other emergency devices. With typical fire panels, response time for emergency devices can range from about three to 10 seconds from the time smoke is detected. The XLS3000's technology improves that response to less than a second, according to the company.

Each panel can accommodate a maximum of 2,540 devices, and the system's architecture allows facility executives to integrate up to 103 panels.


Content Category: Fire Safety/Protection



posted: 2/26/2007