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Filter Gaskets - Camfil Farr - Facility Management Product Release

Filter Gaskets: Camfil Farr

Camfil Farr
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The updated line of Absolute HEPA and ULPA filters from Camfil Farr use a poured-in-place gasket that ensures leak-free performance. Now available on all of the company’s gasket-seal Absolute filters, the sealing method is uniform in depth and encompasses the entire filter sealing surface, eliminating gasket junctures, blemishes and other corner leaks. A leak path can be smaller than a pinhead, allowing thousands of contaminated particles per minute to bypass the filter, compromising critical environments such as operating suites, clean manufacturing processes and clean spaces. The company’s gasket technology ensures filtration rates of 99.97 percent on 0.3 micron particles (HEPA filters) or 99.99997 percent on .012 micron particles (ULPA filters). The gasket material is made of polyurethane.


Content Category: IAQ



posted: 10/15/2007