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Closed-loop Cooling System Avoids Standing Water - NIMBUS Advanced Process Cooling - Facility Management Product Release

Closed-loop Cooling System Avoids Standing Water: NIMBUS Advanced Process Cooling

NIMBUS Advanced Process Cooling
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The VIRGA III is a closed-loop cooling system which uses hybrid adiabatic cooling technology to conserve water when compared to a traditional open evaporative cooling system, while yielding a greater cooling capacity than achieved by dry air coolers.

Unlike traditional cooling systems, VIRGA III does not rely on a sump of standing water for cooling, thus eliminating costly chemical treatment, hazardous maintenance regimens, and the breeding ground for Legionella pneumophila. Many regions of the country continue to battle water shortages and outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease persist.


Content Category: HVAC



posted: 12/13/2016