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Benchmarking Service - VFA Inc. - Facility Management Product Release

VFA Inc.
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The company’s bases its new benchmarking service on data managed by VFA.facility, the company’s asset management and capital planning software. The benchmarking database includes more than 41,000 buildings with more than 1 billion square feet of space. The company helps an organization define a relevant peer group based on market, region, facility type and other criteria, as well as the most critical performance measures for comparison, such as indices of facility condition, replacement value and requirement costs. Using aggregate data from its peer group, the company benchmarks the organization's portfolio based on a set of comparative metrics and provides an in-depth analysis of specific areas most important to the customer. In addition to delivering a detailed report of benchmark findings, including analysis, interpretation and recommendations, the company also conducts in-depth workshops to discuss the relevance of the findings and the implications for their long-term capital strategy.


Content Category: Software



posted: 3/8/2007