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Active Shooter Detector - Johnson Controls - Facility Management Product Release

Johnson Controls
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Johnson Controls' American Dynamics victor Video Management Software integrates with the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System from Shooter Detection Systems, providing users with an automated solution to react in real-time to shots fired in a facility. By reducing the margin of human error, the solution helps to eliminate costly false alerts while enhancing the overall security of any school, business or public venue building.   

Based on military gunshot detection technology and SAFETY Act Certified by the Department of Homeland Security, the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System combines an acoustic gunshot identification software with infrared gunfire flash detection to quickly identify gunshot incidents.    

When combined with the powerful victor video management software monitoring features, the system provides the ability for instant shot location information, lock down procedures, live and recorded video from cameras in the incident related areas. The integration provides immediate notification to first responders through victor’s event action and integration notification platform, and simultaneously alerts designated monitoring facilities around the globe.   

These capabilities are also available through the integration of Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System and the C•CURE 9000 security and event management system from Software House.


Content Category: Security



posted: 10/26/2017