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PoE School Security - ScholarChip - Facility Management Product Release

PoE School Security: ScholarChip

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PoE Secure Door Access Reader uses existing Ethernet cables that run throughout a school building. Facility managers can simply connect the relay to the door strike and smart ID card reader, and the door is secured. Doors are then controlled via the Internet, which means they can be locked down with one command from anywhere across campus or across the city, increasing safety and getting ahead of emergency situations fast. All door access and permissions are also easily managed online.

By using ScholarChip’s smart ID card with classroom and secure door access readers, districts can efficiently permit or deny entry, and track students and staff. The cards are coded with a unique number that is assigned to one individual; it’s the cloud-based server that maintains all the information on that person. And when a student transfers or a staff member is no longer affiliated with a district, their card is voided with one click.

PoE Classroom Attendance Reader is a cloud-based system, an accurate, real-time report shows which staff members and students are in the building or in a specific room, which can help first responders react fast. The readers are wall- or desk-mounted, and can process a classroom of students in under a minute. By adding ScholarChip’s automated smart ID cards and readers for attendance, school districts can also subtract time spent on administrative and clerical tasks and get better, more accurate attendance data.

These two devices have onboard processing and memory for faster processing and better security in the event of a network loss. They also contain native web servers; users can update or change configurations in real time and as conditions change, i.e. during a lockdown or emergency event, for swift, school-wide control. Communications are direct to the ScholarChip security cloud on standard port 443; this port is used for all secure web traffic, which means no changes to a school’s firewall or other security setup is required.


Content Category: Security



posted: 2/26/2018