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HVAC Drives - ABB USA - Facility Management Product Release


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RLON-01, LonWorks interface for the company’s ACH550 series variable frequency drive, supports pass-through I/O, allowing LonWorks integrators to use the drive's digital inputs and outputs as "free" I/O points in their system. These I/O points can be used for monitor or control of external devices such as dampers that may or may not be directly related to the VFD HVAC application. Here are examples of possible uses of this new capability:

- Monitor digital inputs & outputs: Through this variable, the status of the standard six VFD's digital inputs (DIs) may be monitored via LonWorks. Some examples of possible use of these DI monitoring points are: safety status, damper end switch proof receipt, flow switch indications, and any control sequence that requires receipt of a contact closure for indication.

- Command digital outputs: The digital (relay) outputs may be controlled via this input variable. Some examples of possible use of these digital outputs are: opening dampers check valves, or any device that requires a maintained contact closure for operation. As a standard feature, the drives series has three relay outputs, with an option for three additional relay outputs.

- Monitoring External 1/External 2 status: This output variable indicates the control selection currently being used EXT 1 or EXT 2.

- Monitor Hand/Auto status: This output variable indicates if the drive is in Hand or Auto control mode. Use of this feedback point is for a performance contractor to monitor when an end-user has overridden the automation system.

- Command External 1/External 2 State: This input variable sets the control location that is desired EXT 1 or EXT 2. Use of this input variable could be to switch between "Occupied" and "Night Set Back" Mode via LonWorks.

- Command Drive Speed or PID Set Point. - Monitor Motor Voltage. - Monitor Drive Last Fault.

RLON-01 resource file revision D and ACH550 Drive software V.310F or later is required. The company’s BACnet, FLN and N2 communication protocols also support equivalent I/O network variables.


Content Category: HVAC



posted: 5/9/2007