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Rooftop Unit Service - Honeywell International - Facility Management Product Release

Honeywell International
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Honeywell’s Rooftop Retro Commissioning is a service that improves the efficiency of roof top units used to heat and cool commercial facilities, and lowers the cost of operating this equipment by 5 to 20 percent on average.

The company’s commissioning technicians rely on a handheld diagnostic tool to pinpoint problems, suggest service work and display the anticipated payback. Specifically, the tool calculates equipment energy use, capacity and cost-savings potential to optimize performance so buildings can be more energy efficient and comfortable.

The diagnostics also provide customized reports on a unit's energy use, along with potential upgrades and maintenance to cut consumption - from filter and coil replacement to new thermostats. With the tool, technicians are able to quantify the financial impact of service work, and provide facility managers with a report on energy-saving opportunities and their associated return on investment.


Content Category: Energy Efficiency



posted: 8/7/2007