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Tool Provides Water Tight Seal in Event of Fire - Quickstop Fire Sprinkler Tools - Facility Management Product Release

Tool Provides Water Tight Seal in Event of Fire: Quickstop Fire Sprinkler Tools

Quickstop Fire Sprinkler Tools

The Quickstop Talon stops most ½- and ¾-inch sprinklers even if the head has been completely broken off. Simply line the tool up to the sprinkler head and squeeze the handle like a set of vice grips. The tool immediately creates a watertight seal that will hold up to 350 pounds per square inch. A wall-mount kit can be purchased which allows you to securely store your tool in a maintenance office, fire control room, or next to your fire extinguishers.

The tool no longer requires shutting off the water supply to the fire protection system. All of the sprinkler heads in the building can remain operational protecting all occupants in the building until the head can be replaced. The tool releases from the sprinkler if a fire were to occur near it.


Content Category: Fire Safety/Protection



posted: 5/18/2015