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Security Management - AMAG Technology - Facility Management Product Release

AMAG Technology
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AMAG Technology has partnered with ActivEye to integrate AMAG’s symmetry video management system with video analytics technology for event detection accuracy and classification regardless of environmental factors such as lighting, weather, or background conditions.

The symmetry video management elevates video surveillance to a deterrence-oriented system for a complete video security solution. It analyzes activity in trafficked locations (indoor and outdoors) and in daylight or night-lighted environments. The system can be configured to recognize pre-identified behaviors from a library of suspicious events or custom-created events. Security personnel are immediately alerted to alarms, and the technology filters out irrelevant content and significantly reduces the costly false alarms prevalent in today’s industry.

The system enables instantaneous video retrieval for review by security professionals, offers data mining capabilities so users can spot trends and modify operations, and allows users to migrate to IP video


Content Category: Security



posted: 2/28/2007