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ID Badges - Temtec - Facility Management Product Release

ID Badges: Temtec

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TIMEjet Expiring Badges are ink jet and laser printable and incorporate time expiring technology. Patented adhesive time expiring badges change color from white to red after a specific length of time, providing security personnel with instant visual indication of a user’s status. Once a badge is expired, it cannot be used to gain access at a later date, be altered or transferred to another person like conventional paper badges. Badges can be used with any visitor management software on virtually any inkjet or laser printer, and can be customized with user’s own text, photo or graphics. PVC badges use patented technology to create a non-reusable PVC ID card with time expiring technology. After printing the front of the badge using a PVC card printer, the user can adhere the printed front to the back part, activating the time expiring process. The word "VOID" shows through the badge after 6 to 8 hours.


Content Category: Security



posted: 3/16/2007