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IAQ Meter - GrayWolf Sensory Solutions - Facility Management Product Release

IAQ Meter: GrayWolf Sensory Solutions

GrayWolf Sensory Solutions
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The DirectSense IAQ Plus is a mobile, personal-computer-based kit technicians can use for both walk-through surveys and trend data logging over hours, days or weeks. The unit measures carbon dioxide to determine adequate dilution of occupant-generated pollutants and verifies energy-saving adjustments to HVAC systems have not compromised occupant productivity, health, or safety. With the same probe, it can measure potential sources of volatile organic compounds and record elevated levels. The unit determines whether costly laboratory analysis of air samples is justified and where and when to collect such samples. Desktop data-analysis software allows for detailed report and graph generation, with optional modules for template building using preformatted text.


Content Category: IAQ



posted: 9/16/2008