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Wide-Area Emergency Broadcast System - Talk-A-Phone Co. - Facility Management Product Release

Wide-Area Emergency Broadcast System: Talk-A-Phone Co.

Talk-A-Phone Co.
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The Wide-Area Emergency Broadcast System by Talk-A-Phone integrates the company’s emergency/information phone and wide-area broadcast capabilities into a single communication system, ideal for large campuses, open space programs, mass transit, and light rail applications.

The tower features concealed, high-powered speakers that provide both locally and remotely transmitted broadcasts. While the system provides a powerful broadcast, it is still far more focused than traditional emergency warning systems in which a single unit can cover an entire town. Being able to broadcast to specific areas can be critical to providing specific information to different groups, depending on how close they are to the area of incidence.

The system’s zone-paging system allows officials to broadcast remotely via an attendant phone and have the option of broadcasting to towers individually, in selected groups, or all at once.

The tower stands 10 feet 2 inches, weighs 435 pounds, and can be customized to feature CCTV and a variety of lettering or signage.


Content Category: Emergency Preparedness



posted: 6/22/2007