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Metal Roof System Designed for Retrofit Over Existing Slope or Flat Roofs - Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp. - Facility Management Product Release

Metal Roof System Designed for Retrofit Over Existing Slope or Flat Roofs: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp.

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp.
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Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation’s Retro-Master is a re-roof solution that provides every element needed to install a modern, code-compliant, energy-efficient, sloped metal roof over an old or failing roof. Elements include structural framing, subframing and Metal Sales roof panels. This retrofit system can be installed over any existing sloped or flat roof­­ and over any existing material such as metal, asphalt, built-up or membrane.

The system is installed without the need to remove the existing roofing material, allowing businesses to continue operating during construction. As a result, Retro-Master is a convenient and cost-effective solution for business operators and building owners.

The Retro-Master system includes a warranty for weather tightness and an industry-leading 45-year finish warranty. Retro-Master’s 45+ year lifespan and limited maintenance requirements contribute to its already sustainable product attributes. The system is 100 percent steel, the No. 1 recycled material in the world, and contains up to 30 percent recycled content. Retro-Master can also improve a building’s thermal performance by allowing additional insulation to be added to the roof system. Architects and designers can choose from a wide variety of cool roof compliant colors that are Energy Star listed and contribute toward sustainability goals and green building certifications, such as Net-Zero and LEED. The system also enables a variety of roof-located Net-Zero conservation strategies such as photovoltaic integration and rainwater catchment.

“Retro-Master is another example of Metal Sales’ commitment to investing in new products that are both environmentally-friendly and economically rewarding,” says Christian Nolte, Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Metal Sales. “Our goal is to grow our customers’ businesses by inspiring them to achieve all of their design, budget and performance objectives.”


Content Category: Roofing



posted: 5/13/2016