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Autani LLC: IoT's Potential Just Being Realized in Areas of User Experience and Convenience
October 22, 2015
- Building Automation
Question: Are the benefits and advantages of IoT technology being realized today, and can you provide a specific example?
Answer: While benefits of IoT technologies are beginning to emerge, their full potential has not yet been realized. Within the building automation sector, we have seen impressive steps taken in connecting devices, yet much more can be done to enhance user experience and convenience. Internet-connected devices, such as thermostats and lights, provide users with new ways of interacting with their appliances. Consumers now experience a level of choice never seen before — from the ability to micromanage a device’s status to nearly complete freedom from ever having touch a device, instead allowing it to intelligently gather information on user needs and progressively deliver a more finely tuned performance based on those needs. However, IoT technologies are still facing hurdles that impede users from seeing their benefits. Embracing any new technology can feel intimidating, and users may be apt to write it off as too complicated, expensive, or even irrelevant to their needs. Once the possible uses of the IoT become more clearly defined to potential users, adoption rates are likely to increase, and the technology will continue to be propelled forward.
Source: Randy Clayton, President and CTO of Autani LLC.
For more insights on the products, technology, benefits and challenges of the Building Internet of Things, visit www.FacilitiesNet.com/IoT