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Aegis Energy Services: How Combined Heat and Power Systems Use IoT Technology

Question: What are the benefits of IoT technology for building occupants?

Answer: As manufacturers and developers of combined heat and power projects, Aegis Energy Services, Inc. has employed IoT systems to provide numerous benefits for facilities and management. 

Combined heat and power (CHP), is the simultaneous production of electricity and thermal energy on-site, using a single source of fuel. CHP systems are highly efficient (80+ percent) when compared with a central power plant, which dumps its heat.

Already a CHP industry leader in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Aegis Energy Services has advanced its capabilities to include live information, historical trends, and statistical data to report on its CHP systems’ real-time operation and potential optimization.

Aegis’ 24/7 remote monitoring service links Aegis technicians with clients through a direct digital Connection and offers continuous communication with these on-site systems. Remote monitoring allows Aegis to measure and verify heating loads and heat dissipation at each site from a central location, thereby maximizing the potential of a facility’s energy savings.

Aegis systems also interact with a building’s other system data such as weather, utility prices, boiler temperatures, and building heat demand. The CHP system interprets these myriad data and makes adjustments to the operation of the unit so as to maximize efficiency and therefore energy savings, as well as to support high utilization factors by pre-alarming any suspicious operating data.

The benefits include providing information to building management through a web interface, and the use of historical and trending data to allow for both predictive ramping of temperatures (leading to less demand response problems and stress on equipment) and better scheduling of maintenance.

Aegis plans to eventually enhance the capability to “talk” to the utility in order to ramp up the CHP’s electrical output to provide peak shaving and offset peak demand as well as communicate with weather stations to better anticipate heating loads.  

Source: Dale Desmarais, Director of Marketing, Aegis Energy Services, Inc.

For more insights on the products, technology, benefits and challenges of the Building Internet of Things, visit www.FacilitiesNet.com/IoT

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posted on 10/22/2015