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CrowdComfort: IoT gives occupants a greater voice with crowdsourced comfort data
November 24, 2015
- Building Automation
Question: What are the benefits of the IoT for building occupants today?
Answer: IoT presents two benefits to building occupants today. First, it provides greater convenience. When devices are connected and intelligently adapting to situations, occupant comfort is tended to more efficiently. The second advantage tends to be overlooked. It gives occupants a greater voice. With the ability to crowdsource occupant comfort data and immediately route it to the appropriate facility managers and devices, the occupant role shifts from being passive to being a valued and active contributor to a building’s ecosystem. Engaged occupants find leaks faster, warn facility teams of hazards before they cause injury and relay valuable information.
Question: What advantages does IoT technology provide for facility professionals today?
Answer: Traditionally, facility management success has been valued based solely on cost - reduce expenses, improve efficiency and make sure everything is working. While many of the core functions of the profession stay the same, there are a number of developments in the property management industry that are shifting the profession’s focus. With the rise of smart buildings as well as the push from corporate tenants for increased sustainability and reduced costs, facility managers are being called up on to create value (not simply reduce cost) with the processes and technology they put in place. IoT, with its ability to link and act upon many disparate streams of data, will be invaluable to facility managers looking to fulfill the new and challenging requirements of their position. This will go far beyond current efforts around conserving energy and will affect almost every aspect of a building’s ecosystem - water conservation, energy conservation, preventative maintenance and environmental regulations.
Source: Eric Graham, CEO, CrowdComfort.
For more insights on the products, technology, benefits and challenges of the Building Internet of Things, visit www.FacilitiesNet.com/IoT