
SIDEBAR: 3 Tips To Make Good BAS Choices

SIDEBAR: 3 Tips To Make Good BAS Choices

Part 3 of a 3-part article exploring how the BAS is the backbone of any Building Internet of Things initiative.

By Rita Tatum  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Where Does the Building Automation System Fit In An Internet of Things World? Pt. 2: Use BAS For Onsite Systems and Operations, But Make Use of Third-Party Software As WellPt. 3: This Page

1. Today’s building is “a sensor-rich environment,” says Andy McMillan of BACnet International. When a facility manager is selecting or upgrading BAS, he says, “make sure you can add sensors easily and on your own.”

2. Complex equipment, such as variable frequency drives, may have sensors with 40 or 50 data points. While BAS may use three to five of these data points today, a web service may need access to 15 data points or more. “You need to have a strategy for adding points that you don’t need today, but might need two years from now,” observes McMillan. “You don’t want to be paying money again and again as you add data points.”

3. When moving data into the cloud, McMillan recommends choosing a cloud service provider “with staying power.” He admits that can be difficult as many cloud providers are new players.

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  posted on 6/6/2016   Article Use Policy

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