
AIA to Release New Project Delivery Documents for BIM

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently announced the upcoming release of six new AIA Contract Documents collectively called the 3.5 Release.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently announced the upcoming release of six new AIA Contract Documents collectively called the 3.5 Release.

The documents, expected to be release on Oct. 17, include a new Building Information Modeling (BIM) exhibit, as well as two new Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) agreements, two new Design-Build agreements and a Scope of Services document.

The BIM exhibit, E202-2008, was written by industry practitioners as a practical tool for managing the use of BIM across the entire project, according to AIA. Among other things, it sets the requirements and authorized uses for BIM content and identifies BIM authors at five progressive levels of development.  

It also establishes protocols for model ownership, conflict resolution, storage, viewing and archiving. Although written primarily to support a project using IPD, E202-2008 may also be used with more traditional methods of project delivery, according to AIA.

The two new IPD Agreements, C196-2008 and C197-2008, provide the contractual structure the IPD Single Purpose Entity needs to secure funding and to design and construct the project.  These agreements take care of the details, such as how insurance will apply, how members may be paid for their services and limit their liability, which costs are "allowable," how a member can earn profit through incentive compensation and what happens at the end of the project.

The new design-build agreements, A441-2008 and C441-2008, are designed to communicate down to the architect's consultants and to the subcontractors the essential provisions of the original 2004 agreements. They address contractor/subcontractor and architect/consultant relationships including respective rights and responsibilities, roles, communications, compensation, dispute resolution and payment.   

The on-site project representation scope of services document, B207-2008 (formerly B352-2000), is designed for use in establishing agreements between owners and architects. The document provides agreement on the number of architect's representatives stationed at the project site, the services to be preformed and the owner's responsibilities.   

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  posted on 9/30/2008   Article Use Policy

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