
Looking At What's Next In BAS

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Exciting Technology Updates in BAS systemsPt. 2: Connnecting the BAS With Other Building SystemsPt. 3: BAS Contributes to Energy Efficient BuildingsPt. 4: This Page

What are a few BAS trends you see over the next several years?  

Cloud technologies and the use of layered internet dashboard interfaces continue to be developed and enhanced to improve the exchange of building automation system data.  This may allow the consolidation of large data to evaluate performance, review historical and real-time trends, and the establishing of benchmarks. “Data mining” of information is also possible which may lead to improved risk assessment, reliability centered and predictive maintenance practices and general preventive maintenance activities.  This may lead to further building intelligence with the automation system recommending operational strategies and maintenance options that incorporate cost analysis.

In addition, the integration with non-building performance computer based technologies will likely surface.  Expanded security and video monitoring will be used to sense motion or survey for leaks in water and gas systems. Similar systems will be used for tighter heating, cooling, and lighting scheduling based real and historic occupancy patterns.

Other trend areas in building automation will only be limited by the development of the technology it serves such as smart-glass, solar installations, and controllable ultra-energy efficient building envelope products.

Driving the availability and serviceability of these internet-based communications will be broadband connectivity and wireless accessibility.

Answers provided by Douglas Yon, Project Manager, Facility Engineering Associates

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  posted on 9/5/2012   Article Use Policy

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