
All for One

By Ed Sullivan  

This doesn’t qualify as a news item, but it may be news to more than a few readers. For them, it may count as a tip.

Over the past few years, the staff of Building Operating Management has helped to develop two important sources of information for facility executives.

The most recent was the National Facility Management and Technology Conference/Exposition. An annual event, NFM&T features top speakers, an extensive trade show and a great opportunity to meet peers.

The earlier effort was FacilitiesNet, an online resource for facility professionals that offers everything from electronic issues of Building Operating Management to career development resources, from industry news to networking.

Both NFM&T and FacilitiesNet are produced by Trade Press Publishing Corp., the publisher of Building Operating Management. Editors from Building Operating Management have been involved in both efforts from the start. The standards and objectives that shape the magazine shape NFM&T and FacilitiesNet as well.

Why mention all this now? It gets back to the tip I mentioned. Some regular readers of Building Operating Management aren’t aware of the ties between magazine, conference/ exposition and Web site. If you’re one of them, you’re missing potentially valuable information. The material is top-notch, and so is the presentation. And there’s no charge for attending NFM&T or using FacilitiesNet. If all that sounds like an endorsement, it is. Check out FacilitiesNet. Planning for NFM&T 2003 is now underway; to find out the latest, click here.

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  posted on 9/1/2002   Article Use Policy

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