
Awards Overview and Winner Benefits

Submit Your Product Entry Below. Price: $219
Bonus categories for this submission are $125 each.
You can select those on step 3 - payment information.

Nomination Criteria

Please submit a description of your product (700 characters max, which is about 150 words)

  1. Description should discuss how the product works and what it can be used on.
  2. Also include product details, features, specs and target markets.
  3. Avoid making a sales pitch or overusing marketing text, i.e. best, first, only, etc.
  4. Do not include contact information or email (THESE WILL BE REMOVED).
  5. Do not include trademark or registration symbols (THESE WILL BE REMOVED).
  6. URLs are not allowed, but can be purchased as an add-on

Please submit one high-resolution photo and up to 150 words of text.

Please choose a "Preferred Category" for your product. (TPMG has the final say on product category and submission may be moved).

Nominated products can win with the same product in both their main category and one/multiple of the bonus categories.

Manufacturers can nominate multiple products for each category and they can enter the same product into multiple categories (assuming it applies)

We are not able to do refunds for awards entries after payment.

ENTRY CONTACT INFORMATION (Does not appear on ballot)
Enter your first name here
Enter your last name here
Enter a valid Email
Enter Your Title

Enter Your Company Name
Enter your Product
Product URL

Please choose a "Preferred Category" for your product.
(publisher has the final say on product category and submission may be moved)

Select a Category

Bonus categories for this entry are selected on the payment step.

Explain Here
*Images can be added at the next verification step. Once you've reviewed your submission payment is the final step