
Electric vehicle charging station

Access Board Offers Guidance on EV Charging Station Design

The U.S. Access Board released a technical assistance document to assist in the design and construction of electric vehicle charging stations that are accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.   August 8, 2022

By Dan Hounsell, Senior Editor 

Electric vehicles have made a notable impact on institutional and commercial facilities.

The U.S. Access Board released a technical assistance document to assist in the design and construction of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations that are accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.  

The ADA covers entities including state and local governments and places of public accommodation and commercial facilities. Standards issued under the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) require accessibility for facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with federal funds. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ABA Accessibility Standards include many requirements applicable to EV charging stations, including provisions regarding access to sites, facilities, buildings and elements, as well as specific requirements for operable parts and accessible routes. Even absent a specific reference to EV charging stations in the ADA and ABA Standards, regulated entities still must ensure they are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. 

Some EV chargers also have user interfaces and payment systems that would be considered information and communication technology (ICT). Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires that individuals with disabilities have access to and use of ICT provided by the federal government. The law applies to all federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain or use ICT. federal agencies must ensure that any ICT that is part of an EV charger is accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities to the extent it does not pose an “undue burden.” 


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