
accessible hotel bathroom

Room for All: Hotel Makes Accessibility Its Hallmark

  April 27, 2021

By Dan Hounsell

More than 30 years after the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, many institutional and commercial facilities continue to struggle to provide accessibility for all. Much is made of these barriers in existing facilities, and even new facilities can pose accessibility problems. So when a new facility makes accessibility its hallmark, it’s truly noteworthy,

On Jan. 1, 2022, a new boutique hotel built inside an abandoned schoolhouse will open in White Sulphur Springs, W.V., that features 28 guest rooms and two suites, according to Travelability Insider. Charles Hammerman, CEO of the Disability Opportunity Fund (DOF), said White Sulphur Springs came to his attention after two area moms called him searching for work opportunities for their disabled children.

In keeping with its focus on the disability market, DOF has committed to making The Schoolhouse Hotel fully accessible. When it opens, it will be the world’s first hotel where every room is adapted for use by disabled people. Full accessibility, universal design and an accessible booking experience that matches customers to the room that will best meet their needs are priorities that DOF hopes to normalize.

Dan Hounsell is Senior Editor, Facility Market.


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