Green Cleaning Strategies: Sustainable Cost-Effective Solutions

While an increasing number of facility professionals understand the environmental advantages of green cleaning, a major misconception remains that a green cleaning program simply involves using different chemicals and cleaners. In reality, a holistic green cleaning program means implementing a long-term plan, and carefully examining each of the industry green cleaning standards and specifications.

This FREE Webcast offers you a comprehensive look at developing and implementing a green cleaning strategy that contributes to your facility's overall sustainability (and even LEED certification), boosts productivity and is cost-effective.

You will learn about:

* The range of effective green cleaning products now available
* The role of green certification programs, including Green Seal's GS-42, ISSA's Cleaning Industry Management Standard - Green Building (CIMS-GB) and the U.S.
* Green Building Council's LEED programs
* Training and staff considerations for a successful green cleaning program

register today!

Trade Press Media Group is authorized by IACET to 0.1 CEUs for this program.


Bill Garland
Joint Managing Director
Daniels Associates Inc.

Click to read about the presenter


Greg Zimmerman
Executive Editor



speaker biographies Russelectric Siemens Rochester Midland Corp Tork TimeMist