Building Operating Management Webcast

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 • 1 p.m. Eastern
10 a.m. (PT) • 11 a.m. (MT) • 12 p.m. (CT)

BACnet has become the preferred choice for integrating building systems, controlling energy costs, and future-proofing commercial and institutional facilities. This communications standard for building systems has the support of leading, worldwide manufacturers and the backing of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, & Air-conditioning Engineers.

In this Free 60-minute Webcast, presented by BACnet president Andy McMillan, facility professionals will discover how facilities around the globe -- and right next door -- are achieving unprecedented levels of energy efficiency and systems integration. Success stories will show you how easy it is to go "BACnet to the future."

* The benefits of interoperability
* BACnet best practices
* The role of the facility executive in managing a BACnet-based system

Register today – it’s free!

Building Operating Management is authorized by IACET to 0.1 CEUs for this program.


Building Operating Management
2100 W. Florist Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209

PCH presenters Presenter

Siemens Delta Controls