Building Operating Management


Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations for Artificial Intelligence

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes integral to facility management, data privacy, and ethical considerations must take center stage. AI systems collect and analyze vast amounts of data, including sensitive information about building occupants and facility operations. Safeguarding this data is crucial to maintaining the trust of occupants and complying with data protection regulations. 

Facility managers must ensure that AI systems adhere to stringent data privacy standards. Ensuring strong encryption and access controls is crucial in limiting access to sensitive data only to authorized personnel. Moreover, facilities must establish clear data governance policies and conduct regular audits to monitor data usage and protect against potential breaches. 

Ethical considerations are also paramount in AI-driven facility management. Facility managers should prioritize transparency in AI algorithms and decision-making processes. Occupants should be informed about the data collected, its use, and the benefits they can expect from AI applications. Ensuring transparency fosters trust and allows occupants to feel more comfortable with AI-driven solutions in their workplace. 

With almost 30 years of experience in technical and construction-related industries, including nine years in facility maintenance, Shawn Black is a highly skilled professional and one of Building Operating Management’s Facility Influencers. Currently, he serves as the Regional VP of Business Development for CGP Maintenance and Construction Service, is an author, speaker, and coach as well as a Podcast host of the popular Service Evolution Podcast.