A Breakdown of LEED-EBOM

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Data is Power: LEED Buildings and the Building Performance PartnershipPt. 2: Long-term Sustainability: LEED-EBOMPt. 3: From Design to Operations: Energy Star's Designed to EarnPt. 4: Mandating Performance: Outcome-based CodesPt. 5: This Page

While a sustainable design is the first step to a green building, ongoing sustainable operations and maintenance is equally critical. Without a facility management plan for ensuring that the building is operated sustainably, a LEED-certified design has a good chance of underperforming on its energy and other goals. LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance offers a detailed roadmap for sustainable operations. Click the numbers below to see how the six LEED-EBOM categories provide guidance for effective operation.
Sustainable Sites
Water Efficiency
Energy and Atmosphere
Materials and Resources
Indoor Environmental Quality
Innovation in Operations


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  posted on 11/5/2011   Article Use Policy

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