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Smithsonian Instution, Washington, D.C.
The Office of Facility Management and Reliability (OFMR) is accountable for facility operations and maintenance of over 13 million square feet of the Smithsonian’s 600-plus facilities. Welcoming more than 30 million visitors each year is a challenge to modern buildings. Doing so in historical facilities, not originally designed to handle such traffic, is a testament to how tirelessly our staff work keeping the spaces clean and in good repair whilst supporting the numerous missions of our collections, research, and visitors. The pride OFMR staff have in providing an environment that supports the Smithsonian Institution’s founding objective of the “increase and diffusion of knowledge” is noticeable the moment you walk through any of our doors.
Smithsonian facilities, OFMR, like many federal entities, are vulnerable to lost legacy knowledge from staff turnover and attrition rates, compounded by impending baby-boomer retirements. The Targeted Recruitment Task Force was formed to address these challenges by developing opportunities that attract a diverse, inclusive, competent, and competitive workforce. Recognizing the need to maximize federal hiring authorities, it expands the talent pool through focused recruitment of underserved populations and ensures current employees are qualified to handle new roles and greater responsibility. The task force developed focused initiatives to identify and attract talent to include:
Bridge program. Designed to provide high-performing, engaged, custodial staff an opportunity to bridge into facility maintenance careers. Providing extensive formal on-the-job and classroom training affords Bridge Program participants and our organization success. The Task Force secured budget and personnel resources for eight positions and accompanying training which provides knowledge and skills of maintenance activities with classroom workshop experience. New skills are applied through practical on-the-job training under the guidance of a mentor. The Task Force introduced the program to employees by stressing the resulting career opportunities, generating enthusiasm among current employees excited for growth and a new career challenge. The Bridge Program will provide OFMR with trained, skilled, well-rounded, and qualified staff.
Technical interns. This program provides students in technical education and vocational academic and community training programs the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world operations and maintenance situations. We work with interns’ schools and training programs to ensure students receive instruction in skillsets that will support them in finding a maintenance position. We welcome these interns for 10 weeks where they work under the guidance of a mentor to apply their classroom knowledge to actual maintenance work situations. Although this program is new to OFMR, we have already hired one intern to be a full-time employee.
Compensated Work Therapy (CWT). In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs, OFMR supports providing opportunities to returning veterans. Participants bring a wealth of experience and knowledge from their military service and work with our staff to effectively learn the maintenance and operations skills needed for the Smithsonian. CWT participants work temporarily with us and learning our operation and increasing their competitiveness when seeking employment. We have successfully hired five CWT participants.
Project SEARCH Smithsonian Institution (PSSI). This program serves young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who demonstrate a desire to gain job readiness skills and competitive employment. PSSI interns participate in daily classroom instruction and gain hands-on job readiness training in up to three different internships at the Smithsonian. The OFMR has hosted 20 interns and has hired 11 PSSI interns, more than any other SI unit. Apprenticeship Program. OFMR is working with the U.S. Department of Labor to design a formalized apprenticeship program. OFMR seeks department approval for occupational apprentices for utility systems repairer/operators, electricians, and maintenance mechanics. We expect department approval in 2017.
Outreach. The Task Force also visited many local schools, programs and career events to meet and speak with students, parents, and instructors and provide information about internship and career opportunities within OFMR, as well as the profession of facility management.
The Targeted Recruiting Task Force works diligently to find innovative ways to position OFMR and staff to be successful. Through targeted recruitment efforts, OFMR leveraging federal hiring authorities to broaden the applicant pool including returning veterans, persons with disabilities, new entrants into the workforce, and existing staff seeking new roles. These targeted recruitment efforts demonstrate OFMR values and commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce
In-house participants: John Boyd, Judie Cooper, CFM, Ryan Doyle, Paul Estrada, Kathleen Fleming, Kenneth Fuqua, Christina Gardner, Meosha Hudgens, David McCauley, Edgardo Rosario, Kathy Simenton, Ed Tyson.
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