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Orange County Facilities Management, Florida

Orange County Facility Maintenance realized professional services (engineers, consultants, SME’s, etc.) would be needed to perform the necessary assessments in order to provide viable solutions and recommendations. Beginning in 2012-2013, the county began awarding contracts for professional services to provide deliverables based upon the scope of services required to meet these objectives. Interdepartmental cooperation and participation was required to engage professional services and acquire the needed information. Facilities management division, capital projects division, fiscal department, procurement and administrative services all worked in conjunction to support the task of ensuring the assessments were performed so the information gleaned could be utilized.
As the assessments were received, budget preparation began in earnest to secure the funding necessary for the implementation of the recommendations. Budget forecasting, project prioritization and assignments, timelines, and submissions to senior staff were implemented to receive funding and authorizations to implement the recommendations. Project plans began to take shape and tasks were assigned to associated trades and specialties.
By 2014, projects were in full swing to accomplish the recommendations provided by the professional assessments. Since the projects consisted of both short and long term assignments, and many consisted of multiple disciplines and tasks, again, interdepartmental participation was required. Communication and collaboration between departments was critical to ensure projects stayed on track and were completed on time.
Projects performed:
- Replace fluorescent light fixtures with LED energy saving fixtures both interior and exterior.
- Seek rebates offered by utility providers for Energy Star upgrades.
- Establish BAS specifications and criteria and work with system engineers to tweak current HVAC and lighting systems start-stop timesto obtain maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
- Retrofit water fixtures with “low-flow” devices and automated “hands-free” sensors.
- Life-cycle replacement of chillers, AHU’s and other HVAC components with High Efficiency (HE) devices.
- Implement computer-assisted facility management (CAFM) software to enable data mining, trend analysis,project forecasting, asset life-cycle costing (LCC) and to establish a facility condition index (FCI) for each building (benchmarking).
Additional Information
Project Details » (pdf)
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